AEDP Supervision Group
Kelly Prothero is forming a new, small supervision group this fall of 2022. The group will meet once a month for 2 hours via Zoom. Each participant will get the opportunity to share and watch video tape in a supportive learning environment. Duration of the group is 4 months, from September - December. Participants are expected to commit to attending all 4 meetings and that they feel comfortable video taping their work. Cost per session is $100. Each meeting will focus on a different theme including:
Processing Core Emotional Experience, Pressuring with Empathy, Parts Work and Portrayals.
Kelly is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor who has a special interest in applying AEDP in the treatment of trauma. Hours completed in this supervision group count toward AEDP Certification. If interested, please contact Kelly at 415-497-8322.

Virtual AEDP Drop in Learning Group
Please join us for a Portland AEDP’s lunch and learn opportunity — this is a chance to learn, grow and connect with each other and our community.
We will show APA training videos of AEDP Institute faculty members and facilitate a discussion around the material. No prior experience with AEDP is necessary.
The fee for the group is $15 to cover the cost of the APA video. Please go to the page below to register.

Virtual AEDP Learning Group: Drop-In
Please join us for Portland AEDP’s first virtual learning group — this is an opportunity to learn, grow and connect with each other and our community.
We will show APA training videos of AEDP Institute faculty members and facilitate a discussion around the material. No prior experience with AEDP is necessary.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to:
The fee for the group is $15 to cover the cost of the APA video.

Transform Trauma through "Fierce Love": Using the AEDP Therapist's Bold, Embodied Presence
Seminar Title:
Transform Trauma through “Fierce Love”: Using the AEDP Therapist’s Bold, Embodied Presence
Presenter: SueAnne Piliero, PhD
Date(s): Friday, November 13 thru Sunday, November 15, 2020
Location: Live Online via Zoom
Time: 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM (Eastern US)
Non-Member - USD $325.00
Member - USD $300.00
15% Discount for Portland AEDP, use code "rc1520" when registering
(If you have been to and AEDP Immersion or ES in the past year you are likely a member)

2019/2020 Multi-Faculty Core Training
This multi-faculty Core Training will meet for 5 weekends over the course of the year (see dates below). The group will be limited to 11 participants to create group safety. Each weekend includes didactic and video presentation by the leading faculty member, followed by one hour for each group member to show tape of their own work and receive both faculty supervision and supportive feedback from group members. Core Training is one of AEDP’s most powerful learning experiences for integrating AEDP theory into your own clinical acumen.
Prerequisites for joining the Core Training group: a) completion of Immersion and/or Essential Skills 1 and b) you must be videotaping your client sessions as bringing your own video is an essential part of the training. Applications are required for the Training and every effort will be made to put together a cohesive group.
The Dates & Faculty will be as follows:
Dec 6-8th Karen Pando-Mars
Feb 7-9th Danny Yeung
April 3-5th Karen Kranz
May 15-17th Jenn Edlin
Jun 5-7th SueAnne Piliero
The cost of this 5 weekend workshop is $3250. If your application is accepted you will be contacted and a non-refundable $250 deposit will be requested.
Download the Application below to begin the registration process: (It should automatically download as a word file on your computer. you may then email it to
Download Portland Core Training Application
For more information about Core Training visit: the AEDP Institute’s Website