Experiential Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Training
Experiential Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Training
Learn how to lead an AEDP-Informed Psilocybin Assisted Therapy Journey. The only way that really matters: Experientially. Come to this weekend-long, hands on training. Experience this work, as a guide or as a participant. Learn didactic, and hands on in a small group from AEDP Supervisors and experienced facilitators. This event takes place in Oregon in a safe environment that is Fully Legal.
The training is Sept 13th-15th in Portland Oregon. The training will take place 8 hrs Friday where we will learn all about doing the work and we will do preparation in our small groups. All day Saturday will be a medicine day. You will be in groups of 3, one person in each group will have to opportunity to take the medicine and have an actual therapeutic psilocybin journey. The other 2 AEDP therapists will have the opportunity to be supported in leading this participant in their journey (supervised by the teachers & licensed facilitators). This is a RARE LEGAL opportunity to learn this work. If you would like to actually take the medicine, there will be an addition screening, some paperwork, and an addition $500 fee which goes directly to the center in service of the legally sourced medicine/ oregon regulations/etc/… Sunday will be an integration day, both in the big group and in your groups of 3. The training on Sunday will end at 2pm. The fee does not include lodging.